Why You Need at Least One De-lu-lu Friend

What is the biggest thing you’ve ever wished for?

When I was 22, I decided I wanted to do a fundraiser to help children in a community on the other side of the world have access to clean water. $15,000 later, I accomplished that mission.

When I was 26, I became an elementary school principal. 

When I was 29, I got braces, and at 30, I had major jaw surgery.

When I was 30, I married a really great human being who I love and who I’ve already had a lot of adventures with.

When I was 31, I started my own speaking, professional development, and wellness business.

Each and every one of these things I prayed about, I reflected about, and ultimately, what helped me see things through have been my deep friendships. 

When I stood on the stage and said “I do” next to my caring friends who have empowered me to become the woman I am today.

Did you know “The American Society of Training and Development found that people are 65 percent likely to meet a goal after committing to another person? Their chances of success increase to 95 percent when they build in ongoing meetings with their partners to check in on their progress.” [Source

I am who I am, in large part because I have a really great tribe.

Specifically, I have the best hype-girls.

The best.

My friends are borderline delusional…

de·lu·sion·al /də lo oZH (ə) nəl/
In the best way possible.
They are optimistic when I cannot see a way forward.
When I have ideas that are larger than logic, they help me make it make sense.
Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. 
Hope is seeing what’s not there as if it is.
Who is hopeful in your world?
My hope for you today is that you lean into those friendships that make you feel like you can fly
…because, friend, you can.

Your Friend,


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