Smile: The Mirror Effect | Friendship Tip #7

Dear friend,

Welcome, or welcome back! In case you missed it: I have lived in seven cities across five states in the last decade. Two of those moves were for career promotions, two of those moves were marriage-related. All of those moves required me to meet new people. Make new friends. And y’all – I LOVE humans. I love people. I am an extreme extrovert. And even I, as a people-loving, extremely extroverted, talkative millennial, have struggled to connect at times.

Enter this blog: all about how to make, keep, and enrich life-giving friendships that make your life more colorfulbright, and fulfilled. I invite you to come back every Monday for friendship tips. 

Think of me as your friend in the city. Your sis, encouraging you to make new connections. Today’s friendship tip is below!

Tip #7: Smile and Draw in Light

I was recently conversing with someone who expressed that I love people. They met my declaration with a surprised face. “You must know a lot of great people,” they said. 

And it occurred to me – I don’t think I have necessarily had a better pick of people to surround myself with. I believe that we all have a certain vibe.

We are all putting out something,

and studies show there is something to this.

Please don’t hear me wrong. There is such a thing as predators and terrible people. We cannot always control the people who end up in our orbit. So please don’t beat yourself up if you end up with a bad apple in your circle.

But sometimes,

little things can draw people closer to us who we call “friends.”

Here are three simple ways to attract good friends:

  1. Smile More: It is that simple. It does not always guarantee that someone who is having a bad day won’t treat you poorly, but still, it makes your odds higher that you may get a smile in return. Our body also responds to our face, so smiling actually does a whole lot for our brain chemistry. It’s the science of friendly connections!
  2. Hang out in Happy Places: A couple of years ago, a few months before the pandemic started, I went to a handful of social dance classes. The way I laughed in bachata classes when I mixed up my feet still makes me smile. Salsa and swing dance also drew a grin as I figured out the steps and switched partners every few minutes. Places such as group fitness classes or group art and creative events can draw out the joy in humans when a low-pressure, high-fun tone is set.
  3. Do Things You Like & Say Hi to Someone New: Pursue hobbies and interests that genuinely interest you. Don’t force it – it will make it harder for you to have fun!Engagingg in activities you lov makes youe more likely to meet people with similar interests and values.

Remember, you don’t need a ton of friends. You just need a few good ones.

Your friend in the city,


P.S. ❤️ Subscribe to my weekly Sunshine Emails that go out on Mondays, click HERE 😊
